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Real World Skills


Teaching Credibility

In an effort to combine real world skills with lessons of credibility, I decided to create an Employment Office in the corner of my classroom. I set up a table where I placed blank job applications and an envelope that read, “Put your application in the envelope.”

As a class we brainstormed 43 jobs that one could apply for. On the application they had to write their name, address, phone number and what job they were applying for. In addition, they had to come up with three reasons why they should be hired for that job and list two references. One reference could be a child and the other had to be an adult.

This exercise led to many productive discussions on the importance of credibility and why it is necessary to be credible. We also learned the proper way to ask for a reference and the proper way to respond to the person who gave them the reference after they got the job. The Employment Office was an excellent way to demonstrate how credibility works in the real world.

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