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A Funny Story


Teaching Credibility

One day just before school dismissal, three boys came out of the Boy’s Bathroom. Two of the boys came up to me and said, Brian was writing on the Boys’ Room wall. I thanked them for telling me and called Brian up to my desk. I whispered in his ear, Brian, were you writing on the Boys’ Room wall?  He said, I didn’t do it! I didn’t do it! I responded, It’s OK if you did it, you made a mistake, but don’t lose your credibility. Tears came as he cried, I didn’t do it! I didn’t do it!

It was time for dismissal so I dismissed the rest of the class and sat down on the floor face to face with Brian. Tears came pouring out with the words, I didn’t do it! I didn’t do it! I wiped his tears and kept saying, Brian, it’s OK if you did it, you made a mistake, but don’t lose your credibility!

Finally, he said with tears, I did it! I did it! I wiped his tears and said, This is what you must do. After dinner and after all the dishes are put away, I want you to say, Mom, I want to have a talk with you in my room, and this is what I want you to say. Repeat after me – Mrs. Later says I’m handsome, I’m wonderful and I’m very smart, but I have one problem. I need help with my credibility. He responded with more tears, My Mother will kill me! My Mother will kill me! I said, Your Mother won’t kill you. She’ll be proud of you. Remember, say Mrs. Later says I’m handsome, I’m wonderful and I’m very smart but I have one problem. I need help with my credibility. I wiped Brian’s eyes and he went home.

That night at about 9 o’clock, I was walking by the phone and the thought came to me, maybe his Mother will kill him!! I picked up the phone and called Brian’s house. A woman answered. Mrs. A.? I said, This is Mrs. Later. Has Brian talked to you yet? She said, Mrs. Later, I have all I can do to keep a straight face. He is right in the middle of wailing - I’m never going to get a job. I have no credibility. Nobody’s going to hire me. I have no credibility!

Since that time, I have run into Mrs. A in and around town. She told me that Brian never forgot the lessons of credibility. Then one day, about 15 years later, I was reading the newspaper and saw an article about Brian becoming a pro golfer, so I looked up his number and gave him a call. A man answered and I asked, Is Brian there? This is Brian, he said. I then asked, How is your credibility today? He screamed, Mrs. Later??? What fun it was talking to him, hearing about his college days and his golf. My Credibility is good, he said and he wanted to give me golf lessons. What rewarding fun!

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